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1-      <? php
function gkseries $subject = "PHP")
 return "Learn programming in $subject ";
 knowledgeguideness $subject;
 echo "with"

A: Learn programming in PHP
B: Learn programming in PHP with
C: with
D: None of the above

2-The function func_num_args() returns

A: the number of arguments passed to the function
B: the total length of the arguments
C: the number of lines in the program
D: the number of variables used in the program

3-What is the output of the given function ?

         <? php
function invite (&$students)
$students = 'Learn Computer Engineering';
$vst = 'Visit and';
echo $vst;

A: Learn Computer Engineering
B: Visit and
C: visit and Learn Computer Engineering
D: Learn Computer Engineering visit and

4-get_loaded_extensions() returns

A: returns an array with the names of all variables
B: returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded
C: returns an array with the names of all modules keywords
D: none of these above

5-In PHP programming the function get_extension_funcs()

A: returns the number of variables used in a program
B: returns the total number of functions used in a module
C: returns an array with the names of the functions of a module
D: none of these above

6-Which function is used to remove whitespace from the start of the string?

A: rtrim()
B: strim()
C: trim()
D: ltrim()

7-PHP stand for?

A: Hypertext preprocessor
B: Hypertext processor
C: HTML preprocessor
D: HTML processor

8-PHP script are used in?

A: Server-side scripting
B: Command-line scriptinng
C: Client-side GUI applications
D: All of these

9-In PHP programming litral is a?

A: Class
B: Function
C: Data value
D: None

10-What are the differences between include() and require()?

A: Both (I) and (II) correct
B: Both (II) and (III) correct
C: Both (I) and (III) correct
D: None of these above

11-What is the output of the following function ?
<? php
function gkseries $subject = "PHP")
return "Learn programming in $subject ";
knowledgeguideness $subject;
echo "with"

A: Learn programming in PHP
B: Learn programming in PHP with
C: with
D: None of the above

12-The function func_num_args() returns

A: the number of arguments passed to the function
B: the total length of the arguments
C: the number of lines in the program
D: the number of variables used in the program

13-get_loaded_extensions() returns

A: returns an array with the names of all variables
B: returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded
C: returns an array with the names of all modules keywords
D: none of these above

14-In PHP programming the function get_extension_funcs()

A: returns the number of variables used in a program
B: returns the total number of functions used in a module
C: returns an array with the names of the functions of a module
D: none of these above

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